Welcome to my personal website!
I am a Computer Systems Engineer from Mexico
I have mainly worked developing mobile applications, but between 2017-2019
that I got a
Master's degree in Computer Science I have focused in Machine Learning and
I am
currently working in a GUI application for developing neural network models using
This project is in a very early stage, but you can read more about it here.
Work Experience
Mobile Development Engineer (2015-2017)
As a Movile Developer at Praxis I mainly worked developing iOS and Android mobile applications, however, I also had the opportunity to work with backend technologies that supported some of our mobile apps. The main techonologies I used were Java (Android and Backend), Objective-C (iOS), Swift(iOS), Node.js (Backend).
Software Development Intern (2016)
As a summer intern at the Apex (Office for iOS) team, I worked developing new features for iOS Office products using Objective-C. I developed automated tests for the features that I implemented, which shipped before my internship ended. I spent the final month of my internship implementing various document management features.
Open Source Software
I contributed gathering data from the national epidemiology department in Mexico, processing the data and outputting it into a csv file so other researchers can use it more easily.
I contributed by solving an Issue regarding a function's input parameters.
Bachelor's Degree
B.E in Computer Systems Engineering (2012-2017)
Master's Degree
M.Sc. in Computer Science (2017-2019)
Feel free to send me an e-mail! I'll get back to you as soon as I can.